Private neighborhoods exclusively
for 55+ Active Adults starting from the $300s
Over 15 models to tour
Single family homes for All Ages
starting from the upper $500s
5 Models to tour (more coming soon)
Private neighborhoods exclusively
for 55+ Active Adults starting from the $300s
Over 15 models to tour
Single family homes for All Ages
starting from the upper $500s
5 Models to tour (more coming soon)
ANNOUNCING Two Rivers largest floorplan ever offered with a model now open in The Estuary.
Join us Saturday, June 29th from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. for the Catered Model Grand Opening of our Santorini plan at Two Rivers. Enjoy BBQ, model tours, friends, and fun.
Starting from the mid $800s.
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The prices of our homes, included features, plans, specifications, promotions/incentives, neighborhood build-out and available locations are subject to change without notice. Stated dimensions, square footage, and acreage are approximate and should not be used as a representation of any homes’ precise size, location, or orientation. Renderings reflect artists’ conceptions and are for illustrative purposes only. Community maps, illustrations plans and/or amenities reflect our current vision and are subject to change without notice. Builder changes may not always be reflected on the website. See individual builder for details.